According to the Deputy Speaker in Committee room one at Parliament Building, Hon. Sengepoh Solomon Thomas, the aforementioned ministries were stood down to face the ACC because they failed to meet the requirement of the PAC. He further informed that he had invited the ACC Commissioner to witness subsequent probing cessions of the PAC.
Hon. Sengepoh further stood down the lands ministry for the absence of some personnel that were manning key positions in the Ministry during the auditing tour of the Audit Service Sierra Leone. He underscored among other things, that the former Permanent Secretary (PS), Procurement Officer, and the Director of Lands must endeavor to come along with their successors to respond to probing questions from the PAC regarding the findings of the 2016 Audit Report.
He emphasized that no one should take the PAC for granted, adding that any individual/institution summoned by the PAC should formally inform the Committee of any absenteeism.   He insisted that the above former personnel of the Lands Ministry should face the PAC at Parliament on 2:00PM, 9TH November, 2018.