Mr Kamara said the objectives of this conference is to strengthened the technical capacity of law enforcement officials focusing on the existence and relevance of financial and trade data to crime targeting, and techniques for conducting such analysis.
“We want to deepened the understanding of participants on the concept, approach and methodology for effective investigation of maritime piracy and trade-based money laundering (TBML) and supervision.”
He averred that improving the capacity of law enforcement officials in enforcing AML/CFT regulations established by the FATF and other international standard setters; and raising a pool of law enforcement officials in member States capable of analyzing the relevant tools in identifying TBML and investigation of maritime piracy.
The Director commenting on the recently arrested monies at the Lungi airport, he said the investigation is still ongoing and they don’t think is has anything to do with money laundering.
“What we intend to do is to sensitize the public e that when travelling with cash more than $10,000 they must understand that they must declare it whether going out or coming into the country because it is the international norm.
He said when someone fails to declare such amount raise suspicion and will interest all the institutions working under finance as to know why such money is being moved without declaration.”
Mr Kamara said they have been making positive strides to inform and educate the public on financial regulations and they will not relent until they curb the act that is destroying West Africa.
“After this conference, we will also organize our own next month to do evaluation in the institution and to chat the way forward on how we can work with other institutions and the media to make sure the populace understand the concept of money laundering and its effect.