Saturday, September 14, 2024
22.1 C
Sierra Leone

Why President Koroma is with China


As a result, Africa stands to remain what it is if the leaders refuse to form new partnerships of mutual benefit.

Canada is also a vital player that must be harnessed instead of relying solely on DFID, EU and USAID resources. The UN agencies in Sierra Leone have proven to be an extension of the ideological domination of our traditional partners with little economic benefits to our people. It is time to end the influence some of the UN agencies in Sierra Leone and pursue serious efforts of trade and foreign indirect investment. We however commend those UN agencies for their moral guarantees in the actualization of peace, security and stability in that tiny country, Sierra Leone.

However, we must start to think not like the UN agencies who have an obligation only to their budget programming and not what to job creation and sustainable economic development. What Sierra Leoneans need at this time is not lectures on the universality of human rights with a limited

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